Our Bread

Try our nutritious Organic Sourdough bread!

Our original recipe was carefully developed by a passionate home baker.

All varieties of organic wholewheat, spelt and rye sourdough loaves are made with pure rye sourdough culture, using predominantly wholegrain or 100% wholegrain.

Together with the long fermenting process this produces a healthy, moist loaf with a distinct, slightly sour taste.

The organic gluten free loaves are made mostly from a blend of sorghum, buckwheat, brown rice and besan flour. In combination with the gluten free sourdough culture it produces a moist, tasty loaf with a dense texture.

Both sourdough bread options stay fresh and moist for days and are great for making sandwiches, served with soup or other dishes.

Their unique crust and distinct flavour will undoubtedly leave you wanting another slice.